Oh what a tangled web we weave...

Well it’s been an exciting day for all the Anna Nicole drama followers and bloggers. Lets see we had the Nassau Guardian, a newspaper in the Bahamas print a story about Rita Cosby jumping on an attorney in attempts to grab a tape made of her. In the process she allegedly tore his shirt. This of course gets Greta back on the ball where she has Mr. Controversy do a phone interview on fox last night claiming Rita Cosby was trying to put the moves on him. (scary visual)

Then we had the announcement that Virgie has now jumped in the ring with a brand new lawsuit filed in Texas against Howard K. Stern for defimation of character (I thought you first had to have character). Oh, and now there are rumors that the two nannies may sue Rita Cosby for using them in her book without ever speaking to them.

Then of course there was Art Harris’s hilarious commentary on his phone calls from Debra Opri (who I have asked to give a statement but have not gotten a response as of today). I am wondering where Larry Birkhead’s suit is and if there will be one. It will raise some serious suspicion if there isn’t one. Perhaps he is just sick of all this and wants to just live his life left alone with his daughter.

Something else that I have been wondering today is – is it me or does it seem very very mysterious that TMZ has nothing to say about any of this yet?

Well, the day is not over yet. We still have Larry King Live’s exclusive live interview with Howard K. Stern tonight and whatever else comes my way today. Keep checking back! More surprises to come : )