Howard Loses This Round

Howard K. Stern's motion to dismiss a law suit filed against him by Virgie Arthur for lack of jurisdiction has been denied. The court has decided that it does have jurisdiction over Stern as well as several bloggers and is going to continue with the case.

What I don't understand is this, how can they possibly prove that Stern made Anna Nicole make comments on television about Virgie Arthur. You can't just make an assumption and have no facts to back it. You would have to have some sort of witness coming forward saying he had a gun to her back and made her do it, or some other threat.

I don't know, it just all seems like a waste of time and money to me. I would be really suprised if Stern were to be held liable for Anna's words. Paradies

Ever since the ridiculous "Not Alex" commercial hit television stations there have been a ton of hillarious parady versions of it. I will be airing them on my blog so keep checking back as I keep changing them.

Birkhead Purchases $3,000 Underwear

Some little girls get their mom's old necklace, maybe there mom's favorite porcelain doll. What will little Dannielynn get? Ann Nicole's playboy lingerie. Yup, according to the latest news Daddy Birkhead went to an auction today where he spent $3,000 purchasing some of Anna Nicole's lingerie worn for a playboy shoot.

State Insurance Will Not Pay for Chemo Therapy

A cancer patient with state insurance has been denied chemo therapy for her cancer despite the doctor's recommendation. Instead they have offered the less expensive alternative which is assisted suicide.

Is this the type of health care we can look forward to with Obama's promised government health care. He can keep it. Vote for McCain!


Despite McCain's repeated requests for he and Obama to participate in Town Hall meetings together to give the public the opportunity to speak and question them both together, Obama still remains hidden behind his written speeches. Obama and his campaign knows that his speeches are what has been inspiring the people. The problem is that that is all there is to him... just a bunch of fluffy feel good speeches.

Obama has a chance to really show the people who he is (instead of just a good speech reader) but is chickening out. If Obama is afraid to stand against McCain at a town hall meeting, how are we supposed to trust him to stand against any other problem that comes up in the whitehouse.

Just say NOBama!

Taylor Paschal-Placker, 13, and Skyla Whitaker, 11,

I am sure that you heard about Taylor Paschal-Placker, 13, and Skyla Whitaker, 11, the two little girls that were shot in Oklahoma. Well the local bank in their community has set up a funeral fund to raise money for the funeral for these two little girls. The family has no money. Anyway if you would like to help their funeral (I am sure that every little bit will help)

Taylor and Skyla Funeral Fund


Weleetka Commerce Bank

P.O. Box 248

Weleetka OK 74880

Tired of High Gas Prices?

Did you know that we could have all the oil we need right here in our own country?
Did you that with our new technology we could drill here in an environmentally friendly ways?
Did you know that China drill off the shores of Florida, yet congress is stopping our own country from taking care of itself?

Sick of it? I am!!! Please help by signing the drill here, drill now petition at

Also take a minute to e-mail Nancy Pelosi since she keeps blocking us from drilling here at and let tell her to get off her rump and do something.

7000 Idiots

There is now over 7000 people that have joined the fake Larry Birkhead myspace page.

Birkhead Looks For Job Before Moving

"I bought a house, but I am not moving right this day to Kentucky. Maybe one day Dannielynn will go to school and we might live there, but right now I am still looking at job opportunities that have been presented to me here in Los Angeles." said Larry Birkhead in article on

Baby Birkhead Moving to Loiusville, Kentucky

Daddy Birkhead has bought a 10,000 square foot home in Louisville, Kentucky so that he can give Dannielynn a better life. Birkhead is reported saying that Anna's former California home does not have a yard or friends for Dannielynn to play with.

He is considering selling Anna's home. I wonder if he had to get Howie's permission.