Oops She Did it Again

Britney Spears had another episode again and is being temporarily committed again on a 5150 hold. At least that is what is being said at the moment.

Chaos broke out at Britney's home again. About 100 paps, helicoptors, police, you know... the typical Britney evening.

There are reports that she has started bipolar medication. I think her problem is more sever than bipolar disorder. I think she has multiple personality disorder or something more along those lines. But hey - what do I know.

More on the Inquest



The inquest is set to resume on March 17. Why do they have to wait two months? And... where are the nannies? Did they testify? Anyone know?

Random Ramblings (in no specific order)

1) I was very suprised to hear that Shelly actually showed up for the inquest. Wasn't he suposed to get arrested or something for going into the Horizon's and taking stuff?

2) Speaking of Shelly, if he had proof the house was his, why didn't he show up in court to fight to get it back?

3) I wonder if Birkhead was really sick.

4) Lin Wood's law firm has been on my sight two times in the past week (after a long break). Kinda funny.

5) Still giggling from the whole QV vs. Rose website stories LOL

6) I wonder how irritated Howard was to see Virgie walk in with Tony Potts to the Inquest

7) Why the heck is Britney always buying gas and coffee?

Inquest Testimony - The Pictures

"I was totally shocked he was taking pictures of a dead child laying in that bed," Thompson testified at the inquest into the death while being questioned by a lawyer for Anna Nicole's long-estranged mother, Virgie Arthur.

Stern said the photographs "might be worth some money one day," Thompson testified.


Birkhead Blows Off Bahamas

Larry Birkhead was too sick to show up at the Bahamas today to testify. Perhaps too much partying at the clubs?




Camp Stern Bloggers Get Served Subpoenas

Ok... I just visited annanicoleandhowardkstern.com and almost peed my pants I laughed so hard. Well the other day I read Howard K. Stern's deposition where he testified that he had not had any dealings with any bloggers gathering info for him of on his behalf ect ect. Well now all the bloggers that he has denied were gathering dirt for him have been served subpoenas. Camp Virgie is demanding all e-mails and whatnots and copies of hard drives. You gotta love it. If this is true isn't that a crime.. I mean if Howard and his attorneys were lying saying that this stuff never happened. Can a lawyer get in trouble if he was aware of the e-mails? I mean according to QV's site, some of the bloggers had direct communication with Wood - right?

Anyway - this is all so dysfunctional that you can't help but laugh

Daniel Smith Inquest - Ford Shelly Testimony

Court Heard Howard K. Stern flushed Daniel Smith's Pills. For more of Shelly's testimony go to...


Daniel Smith's Death was an "Intentional Overdose"

Yes, that is what the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner, Hern testified today when questioned by Bernard Turner, the Director of Public Prosecutions. Howard K. Stern and Virgie Arthur were both at the Bahamas inquest today. The inquest will resume tomorrow.


Cyril Wecht Goes on Trial

Celebrity pathologist Cyril Wecht is charged with 41 counts, including wire fraud, mail fraud and theft. It is being claimed thta he used government employees as secretaries, gofers, chauffeurs, and much more for his personal use and his private business while working as Allegheny county's medical examer and corner in PA.

Together Again

It is being reported that Britney met Adnan somewhere and jumped into a car with him and they took off. Meanwhile, both her parents are back at her home and very concerned for her.

X17 or is reporting that Adnan is traveling at a dangerous speed of 100mph with paps following of course. Sounds like a dangerous situation.

TMZ Slacking Off?

Is it me or does it seem like TMZ is not as on the ball as they used to be. It's almost like they started to get slow or lazy or something ever since they started their television show. They used to be first on all the major stories and used to come up with stuff that no one else had.

Britney Update

Brit's father is now at her house and Adnan is on his way back over. It is being reported that Adnan was again called by Britney.

Breaking Britney Drama!!!

Conflicting reports are coming in, but one this is agreed on. Major drama broke out at Britney Spear's home and the police are there.

One sight is reporting that Britney and Sam Lufti had a major blowout and that Sam Lufti stormed off saying something to the effect of "go ahead and F*** your paparrazi boyfriend.

A different sight is saying that Adnam tried entering Britney's gate after receiving a frantic call from Britney asking him to come see her right away. He was then refused entrance by the security when he arrived.

Who knows what the heck is happening but I am sure we will find out all about it. I don't know who is worse to have in Britney's life, Sam or Adnam. I say ditch them both and work on getting healthy.

QV vs. Rose

Alright. I have no idea who the heck QV and Rose are but damn!!!!! ... if what I read is true there is a lot of shady stuff going on in blog world with camp stern. If you are reading this and are saying QV and Rose who all I can say is never mind! If you know what I am talking about then you know how crazy this is.

I have found QV's stories to be very interesting. I don't know rose or QV but for some reason I believe there is truth to what QV is sharing. Do you?

So here are my random thought is no specific organized order.

1) If all these things were going on then that makes Sterns deposition full of lies concerning the sections on enlisting online bloggers.

2) It is interesting to see how the change came about on QV's site. I remember I used to stop by that site when the whole Anna Nicole drama broke lose and I used to think are these people crazy! Then over time there was a shift in attitude and its interesting to now see the behind the scenes of how that came about.

3) I thought the alleged post of BS saying that LB would never have gone after the baby if Opri hadn't gotten her hands on him and that he saw an opportunity to make some cash. That comment is disturbing on many levels and I havn't even begun to fully process this. I also found the comments allegedly said by BS that H was going to help get Opri removed from the Bar - that H had a friend on the Cali. Bar.

4) Once again, if these facts were true than that would mean that Mr. Wood was also taking part of this, therefore he would have been participating in known lies during the deposition.

5) As for the porn and BDSM connections, that I believe because I have heard about similar connections from other places in the internet. And if its on the internet than it must be true right? JUST KIDDING!!! LOL

Anyway - there is so much craziness surrounding this woman known to most as Anna Nicole. I wonder if she looks down at it all from Heaven eating popcorn like she is


OK... this site has GROSS pictures of Britney Spears in torn up stockings and um... blood stained underwear from her period. NASTY! You just can't make this stuff up.


Britney Crash

Britney was involved in another car accident today but this time it was her boy toy Adnam who was driving. Supposingly he hit a dude on a motorcycle. Can't these two ever stay in for a quiet night at home.

Britney and Adnam

Just when we thought the end was here for Britney and Adnam.....nope... the two were spotted together again. Fortunately Adnam is not legally divorced yet or Britney (or one of her other people) would have married him already.

Birkhead at Katsuya

Video of Larry exiting hish birthday bash http://x17online.com/celebrities/larry_birkhead/while_you_were_sleeping_the_scene_at_katsuya-01212008.php

Birkhead's Birthday Bash

TMZ's TV program just showed Larry Birkhead out partying for his birthday. He had his usual blonde haired chick with black rimmed glasses that always seems to be nearby in all photos and he had another dark haired girl with bright pink shiny clothes. Dark hair girl seemed to be slightly intoxicated yelling "your cool... your cool" out of the black limo.

Donna Hogan on Dannielynn's Eye Condition

"I can confirm that it is hereditary on our father's side of the family," Anna's half-sister DONNA HOGAN tells the magazine, adding that that all of DONALD HOGAN's kids have passed along the disorder to their own children.


Multiple Britneys

TMZ is reporting something that I have suspected for a couple weeks now. They are reporting that an inside source says that Britney may be suffering from multiple personality disorder. I have thought this for a while now as it is something Iam familiar with. I have known two people with this disorder and it is a very serious condition. When people were reporting that she had Bipolar Disorder I just kept thinking that I felt it was something more serious, that she had MPD.

The trouble is usually people with it have no idea that they have it until they are forced into therapy. Helping a person to understand what is going on can be quite a task. To the person suffering from the disorder, there are long periods of unaccounted time and at times the person is frightened, alone, feeling like they are going crazy and then poof, just like that they are someone else and on a new mission.

I do not have a good feeling about this new boyfriend of hers. From the outside one can never really know a persons true intentions, but judging by the state of mind Britney is in, I am pretty sure the intentions are not in her best interest.

Larry Birkhead on Entertainment Tonight

Birkhead was on Entertainment Tonight talking about Dannielynn’s eye condition. He talked about a picture that went around on the internet with a picture of Dannielynn with her eye crossed and the words “Got Methadone” above it on some one’s blog. That is sad. He talked about trying to protect her from this cruelty and not bringing her out into the public. Larry started to cry when asked about her needing to go to school one day. He then showed her gigantic closet full of clothes. He says he will probably set up a charity sale when she grows out of them.

Cry Me A River

Entertainment Tonight is advertising that they will be Birkhead getting emotional and crying on tonights show. ET really knows how to milk an interview. They can get a full week of shows out of one 5 minute interview.

Drew Peterson - Lower Than Low

Just when you thought that Drew Peterson could not be any more of a dirtbag than he is he reminds us all that this is no limit to just how low he will go. Drew Peterson has announced that he will no longer talk to any media for free.

Apparantly he has hired a publicist and will be charging for interviews now. Can you say dirtbag?

Fascinating Story of Lies, Manipulation, and Deception by Camp Stern

I am sure that most of you who stop by this site are also frequent readers of QV's site. I have been reading her stories about the lies, deception, and manipulation of camp Stern. It is fascinating to me that this man and his team of lawyers would go into the internet world and manipulate bloggers and play these types of games.

Kudos QV

A person of character would never have to go thru so much efforts to try to make himself look good and others bad. I am so glad that Dannielynn is no longer is this guys custody but at the same time, these people are still surrounding the poor girl.

What is Strabismus?

Strabismus, more commonly known as cross-eyed or wall-eyed, is a vision condition in which a person can not align both eyes simultaneously under normal conditions. One or both of the eyes may turn in, out, up or down. It is estimated that up to 5 percent of all children have some type or degree of strabismus.

Info taken from strabismus.org

Dannielynn Birkhead's Eye Problems

If you remember from a while back, it was reported that Dannielynn had a problem with strabismus, which is when you go cross-eyed. You could see that one of her eyes had this problem from the earliest pictures that surfaced of the little girl.

Now it is being reported that she has been wearing a eye patch as some sort of treatment to try to correct the proble. Daddy Birkhead has been wearing an eye-patch too, and she even has a baby doll that wears a patch to show her its ok.

According to a recent report, Birkhead is hesitant to have corrective surgery performed after losing his father to a simple surgery.

Anna Nicole Smith Lead Medical Investigator Past Away

Edwina Johnson was one of the lead medical investigators in the death of Anna Nicole Smith. She died last thursday of a cardiac arrest. She gathered evidence from Anna's Hard Rock Cafe hotel room and flew to the Bahamas to conduct interviews. Edwina Johnson was just 56 years old.

Is it just me...

I was watching the Republican debate tonight on Fox. Is it just me or was anyone else imagining Ron Paul with martian antena thingies on his head. He makes me laugh with his out of this world rantings. I think he should be campaigning on the democratic party.

New Hampshire Primary Vote Totals 2008

About 90% of the votes are in now for New Hampshire.Hillary is in the lead with 99,864 votes and Mccain is in the lead with 79,061.

Speak Your Mind

I have received comments from people stating that they are unable to leave comments because the do not have a blogspot account. Because of this, I have decided to add a chat/comment box so that everyone can participate. Please keep in clean so that all can enjoy : )

Dr. Phil Releases Statement in Reference to the Britney Spears Saga

From Dr. Phil Regarding Britney Spears

"As was widely reported this weekend, at the request of concerned family members, I visited Britney Spears in the hospital. The details of that visit will, of course, remain private. "We had planned to tape a Dr. Phil Now show today, focusing not on the tabloid side of Britney’s latest problems, but instead on the very serious issues surrounding this case. Clearly, it is not just Britney's family struggling to find a way to protect adult children who cannot be ordered or compelled to seek help.

"Because the Spears situation is too intense at this time, and out of consideration to the family, I have made the decision not to move forward with the taping at this particular time. "Britney and her family are in our prayers, and we ask that they be in yours." Dr. Phil McGraw

Did you know...

Did you know that Drew Peterson met Stacy when she was just 17 and he was 47?

*** Statutory rape is the crime of sex with a minor under the age of consent (AOC), the age at which individuals are considered competent to give consent to sexual conduct, but past the age of puberty. It is a generic term; different jurisdictions use many different statutory terms for the crime, such as "sexual assault", "rape of a child", "corruption of a minor", "carnal knowledge of a minor", or simply "carnal knowledge". Statutory rape differs from forcible rape in that overt force or threat need not be present. The laws presumes coercion, because a minor is legally incapable of giving consent to the act. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statutory_rape

Britney & Dr. Phil - Fox vs. TMZ

TMZ has several posts today stating that Dr. Phil talked with Britney Spears in the hospital, walked her to her car and is planning on doing a show about her.

Fox on the other hand is reporting that Dr. Phil entered her room and that she kicked him out.

Which report do you believe?

Iowa Caucus Final Vote Totals

Huckabee gets 39,814 Votes in the Iowa Caucus vs. 940 Votes for Obama.

Hillary has worse night of her run getting only 737 votes.

Texas Teens Murdered by Muslim Father

This week while everyone was busy watching the news in Iowa a disturbing story was barely given the attention that it deserves. Two young girls, SarahYasir and Amina Yasir were found shot in a taxi in Texas. The taxi is owned by their father, who is currently on the loose and authorities are looking for him The father has allegedly killed his daughters because they were acting like American teenagers and he was angered by this. Friends of the young girls claim they were scared of their father. Just last month a similar incident happened in Canada when 14 year old Aqsa Parvez was murdered by her father for disagreements over the failure of the young girl to wear a head scarf. In that incident representatives of Islam claimed it was not a Muslim incident but a teenage incident. http://islamichorrors.blogspot.com