Holy Hollywoodscoop!!!

Hollywoodscoop.com has allegedly been sent a picture of Anna Nicole from and overdose (not the one that killed her but a previous overdose). Howard was quick on his toes and had one of his famous threatening letters sent to them which Hollywoodscoop.com claims said the following:

This picture was stolen from Ms. Smith's camera. The picture became the property of Ms. Smith's Estate when she died, and the Estate has requested, and intends to vigorously pursue the return of this item.

OK, so they are saying it was stolen so that tells us it is being passed around by Ben Thompson and family. It has been reported all over the place that he broke in and took personal items. What I do not understand is why Howard K. Stern hasn't suid him yet, I mean, he sues everyone else.

The other thing I do not understand is that if this picture is what hollywoodscoop.com says it is. Why would someone take a picture of Anna Nicole Smith in the middle of an overdose wiht vomit all over her. Who would do such a thing? I think we all know the answer to that question.

For the original story go to: