Larry Birkhead Imposters on the Web - Wise up Women!

What can be more pathetic than a man on the internet pretending to be Larry Birkhead to get lots of attention from women? The women who are naïve enough to fall for the imposters are!!!!

Despite past posts, warnings, and good old fashioned common sense desperate women on the internet are still going to a fake Larry Birkhead myspace page posting messages on the imposters page hoping to get noticed by their “dreamy” guy. There are regulars on the site that post messages over and over and today I even noticed one person writing that she had spoken to this imposter on the phone. She mentions taking him up on his offer to go out and see him.

Are these people stupid? Have they not heard from their mothers about internet safety? I am wondering why this site is allowed to continue. The person who made this site is probably some fat lonely old man who is getting his kicks off of hearing from women trying to be sexy in attempts to meet a celebrity. An even scarier thought that this is some dangerous person trying to trick naïve women into meeting him. Wise up ladies!