Do you think it's 'easy' for them, but not for you?
The question I get asked most by people who read my blog is "what made you do it?" What made you sell your house, quit your job & move half-way across the country alone, with your two year old son?
The short answer is, "what else was I gonna do?"
I was in a rut. I worked from dusk 'til dawn so that I could pay someone else to raise my son. I started to think about what I was working for... to sleep? This was my life after all.
This IS my life.
So if you want to make a change do it. Do it now. Don't wait until the time comes when you wake up thinking you should make a change while you're still young only to look in the mirror to see that you're NOT that young anymore.
This is, after all, your life. Living it isn't a luxury.