Who hasn't gone to the back of a prepackaged food item to check the ingredients only to be confronted by something that looks like this.
That, my friends, is a package of plain bread crumbs.
I don't know about you, but when I bake bread this is what I put into it:
-- Water
-- Sugar
-- Salt
-- Vinegar
-- Vegetable oil
-- Flour
-- Yeast
Those additional hard to identify and even harder to pronounce ingredients inspired me to simplify our eating habits. In a big way.
We dropped the meat, fish & chicken and moved to a mostly organic whole food diet. I feel much better about what I'm feeding myself and my son.
Here are a few reasons you may want to simplify your eating habits as well:
- It's better for your health -- A diet rich in vegetables, beans and grains is great for your health. You end up eating more vegetables to feel full and reap the benefits of naturally present nutrients & fibers that are often processed out of convenience food. Ever notice how the oldest people in the world tend to be farmers or fishers? Most likely their diets, rich in fresh unprocessed foods, contribute greatly to their longevity
- It's better for the environment -- Eating locally farmed fresh food decreases the amount of fuel used for transport and avoids driving up prices in food producing areas in a way that may negatively affect the local environment.
- It's cheaper -- Buying flour, cornmeal, sugar, oil, beans and vegetables and preparing them yourself is way cheaper than buying convenience foods or meat. Try buying foods with less than three ingredients for a week and see how much money you save!
- It just tastes better -- I love freshly prepared foods. Vegetables that are still crisp, not canned and soggy, and freshly baked bread. Quality ingredients produce a quality product. After eating 'clean' for a few weeks I was able to really enjoy the natural flavors in food and as a result I enjoy eating more than ever.
- It's an enjoyable family bonding experience -- I love to get in the kitchen and cook with my son. He runs and gets his apron and his stool and is always eager to help out. He asks questions about what is going into his meal & why. Plus, any time your kids spend with you, learning from you, is time that they aren't spending being influenced by the media, in ways you may or may not approve of.