After the sad and suprising death of Anna Nicole, people from all over the world watched in amazement and disbelief as the people of her life sat in a court room for a week straight battling over where to bury her.
The whole world listened to Larry Birkhead testify that Howard K. Stern carried a duffle bag of drugs and was giving Anna Nicole drugs while she was in rehab. Now that Larry & Howard have exchanged the baby and some contracts it will be interesting to hear what his answers are to these questions that will be sure to come up at the inquest into the death of Daniel Smith.
Birkhead's testimony has already been rescheduled because he wan't feeling good, or at least that is what has been claimed. Will he show up in March? This is a question that many will be waiting to see. If he does show up it will be interesting to hear him answer these questions again.