1) Democrats want a larger government to control your life.
2) Democrats want to raise taxes. I don't know about you but I am already paying more taxes than I want.
3) Democrats are disrespectful of our military and put their lives in greater danger by withholding money that they need in the middle of a war.
4) Democrats are clueless of the Extreme Islamic War that is being waged worldwide. Go to http://islamichorrors.blogspot.com for more on that.
5) Democrats (Hillary in particular) want the right to be able to garnish wages from your checks to force you to participate in the programs they feel you should be enrolled in... wether you agree or not.
6) Democrats believe in taking your hard earned money and giving it to the lazy bums who do not want to work.
7) Democrats want to pull out of Iraq even though we are finally winning. They want to make everything that our men and women in the armed forces fought for all for nothing. This will mean that our soldiers died for nothing.
8) The last thing our country needs in government run healthcare - just look at the veteran's health care system.
9) Democrats want to destroy family morals, values, and form a politically correct society where no one no longer has the freedom to voice their opinion.
Feel free add your own reasons why NOT to vote democrat.