Harold Camping Prediction.... Anyone out there?

Harold Camping's was incorrect with his prediction that the rapture would take play on May 21, 2011 at 6pm.  I wonder what is going on in the minds right now of all the people that believed him.  Some has spent their life savings on billboards to warn the world, some have sold their home and quit their jobs.

A part of me feels sorry for them.  I mean the trusted so much that this was going to happen.  The problem is that they put their trust in this man, and not in the word of God which says that no one knows that time that God will return.

Harold Camping has done this before.  I think he last prediction was 1994. He even wrote a book about it.  I would think that would have been the first red flag to his followers.

Are You Ready?


Shockwave 2000!: The Harold Camping 1994 Debacle