Lost Job - Please Help

Today I was nearly brought to tears.  I was leaving a store and driving home when I spotted a young couple standing with a sign.  It said something to the effect of “lost job.  Please help” or something like that.  They were a very clean cut conservative looking couple.  I circled my car around while reaching for a $10 bill from my pocket.  I rolled the window down and the guy came over.  His face and his wives turned red.  I could see the man fighting back tears while a tear escaped from his wives eyes.  They were clearly not comfortable being on the corner on display for everyone to see their desperation.  He thanked me and asked me to keep them in prayer.
In this situation, I did not second guess myself wondering if they were scammers trying to get over on people.  I am 100% sure that this couple really were in desperate trouble.  I could feel their embarrassment.  As I drove away I thought of all the things that I wanted to tell them.  I wanted to tell them not to be ashamed and to not give up.  I wanted to tell her that I didn’t think poorly of her, that instead I admired her strength for standing by her husband’s side.
Unfortunately times are getting tougher out there.  Our country is in trouble and we need someone who understands economics so that that people like the couple I saw today can get back to work.  This was not a man who wanted the creation of more government programs for lazy people, it was a man who needed government to get out of the way of businesses so that they can create more jobs.
Gas is going higher, which means everything else is about to get higher.  Companies are laying off to save money.  Government needs to get out of the way not get bigger.  Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the other like minded politicians need to find a new line of work.