Broke Means Broke - Stop Spending!

What part of broke don't they understand.  In a family structure if you don't have any money it means you don't spend.  You cut back on non-necessities.  Our government is spending money that they do not have.  And people are in for a rude awakening when the S**T hits the fan.  Lots of programs are going to have to get cut and people are going to have to just suck it up and deal with it.  Our government is suposed to have limited functions anyway such as protection & security of the country and its citizens and infastructure.

While free college for illegals, and grants for the arts, research on toads and so on may seem like necessaties to some people... they are not.  This country needs to stop being a bunch of liberal whiny babies and start taking some serious actions to fix this broken country.  Some of the whiny babies who want the goverment to wipe their own butts for them should try spending some time in another country like Kenya so that maybe they can snap back into reality (or join it for the first time).

The problem is our country is run by special interest groups and lobbyist who basically pay off our officials thru campaign donations to get lots of "goodies" promised to them in return.  There is only one way we will every undo this payoff system and that is buy having a flat tax.  A flat tax based on consumption rather than production.  A flat tax where people aren't penalized for being productive.  A flat tax where companies don't feel like they have to set up in other countries to avoid the high tax burdens placed on them by our government.

Wake up America!  Change needs to come... and I'm not talking ObamaChange.  I am talking real change and it is going to take a president who really understands economic and business.  It's time to go Obama, Reid, Pelosi and all you other gimme gimme politicians.