Yesterday was our first "Simple Christmas.'
No gifts. No tree.
Just us and our love for each other.
I've worked so hard to create a beautiful uncluttered home filled with only the things that we use and need, that I didn't want to add to our possessions just to be able to say we gave/received gifts on Christmas. Now that the day is over I'm really happy that I made that decision.
We don't need piles of stuff to demonstrate our love for each other. Holidays are great, but the fact is, a simple life has room for demonstrating daily that we love and appreciate each other.
Instead of spending my day cooking a huge meal, cleaning up wrapping paper and thinking about how I'd pay for it all, I decided to spend the day reading, knitting, laughing, talking to family and playing with my son.
Our new Christmas tradition will be a house full of family and love, the rest just doesn't matter.