Banda/Band: Gonorrhea Pussy | Necro Tampon
Álbum/Album: Pleasures Far Beyond Erotica | Twisted Treatement Of Periodic Prostitutes
Ano/Year: 2006
Tipo/Type: Split CD
Rótulo/Label: Rotten Roll Rex
Gênero(s)/Genre(s): Porno Grind
País/Country: Germany | United Kingdom
Qualidade/Quality: 320kbps
Grandeza/Size: 57.49 MB + Covers
Gonorrhea Pussy
1. Pleasures Far Beyond Erotica
2. Tampon Appetizer
3. Caviar Candy
4. Incestcontest
5. Sub-Mission (Outro)
Necro Tampon
6. Red Raw Gaping Whore
7. Vaginal Fungus Pods
8. Brutal Baby Bogwash
9. Fertilizing Faeces
10. Exhumation Copulation
11. Twisted Treatement Of Perodic Prostitutes
12. Menstrual Fondue
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