Banda/Band: Destructive Explosion of Anal Garland
Myspace: Destructive Explosion of Anal Garland
Álbum/Album: Sealing Off The Vagina By Sewer Lid
Ano/Year: 2006
Tipo/Type: Full-length
Rótulo/Label: Bizarre Leprous Production
Gênero(s)/Genre(s): Porno Gore Grind
País/Country: Czech Republic
Qualidade/Quality: 320kbps
Grandeza/Size: 80.97 MB + Covers
1. Mam to ve voku - I have it in my eye - 02:03
2. Piknik ve zlabku u Konopasku – Picnic in groove by „U Konarku“ pub - 01:21
3. Hopsahejsa do Brandejsa, Okrouhlik se k udu lisa - 02:05
4. Dzinova kunda – Jeans Pussy - 01:57
5. ara Syflman mocici,sraci – Jara Syflman pissing, shitting - 01:51
6. Konzumace menstruace – Consumation of Menstruatiion - 01:08
7. Prcal jsem jeptisky, pero mam z preklizky – I was fucking nuns, my dick is made from plywood - 02:25
8. Complete Rectal Prolapse (RGTE cover) - 00:57
9. Utesneni vaginalu vikem od kanalu – Sealing off the vaginal by sewer lid - 01:30
10. Laska prochazi zaludem – Love moves throught cock - 02:00
11. Nastav dlane – Show me your palms - 02:03
12. Krknuti delozniho cipku – Burps of suppository uterine - 01:40
13. Blbe se ti kali, kdyz te roura pali – It is hard to shit, if your ass hurts - 02:12
14. 20 tisic mil pod hnojem – 20 thousand miles under manure - 01:15
15. God-Mass Mistera (Leng Tche cover) - 01:08
16. Analsytko strycka Horsta – Anal strainer of uncle Horst - 01:34
17. Niciva Exploze Ritniho Vence – DESTRUCTIVE EXPLOSION OF ANAL GARLAND - 00:51
Total playing time - 28:00
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