Geraldo did a piece tonight on Mark Spears, Birkheads former bodyguard. Mark Spears says witnessed numerous events that he felt very uncomfortable with. These things included things like Birkhead staging moments where photographers could take pictures of him while he was at the graveyard.
He says that he also heard disturbing converstaions between Birkhead and Stern. He says he overheard Stern saying "look, I’ll give you your baby if you leave me as the executor of your estate."
The most disturbing thing he witnessed were some photographs. He says they were photographs of Daniel dead in the hospital bed and that there were 50-100 of them. He also saw one of Anna posing with Daniel in while he was dead. Again there were over 50-100 of them. This is not the first time allegations of these pictures have surfaced. There have been other sources that have said they have been approached about purchasing these pictures.
Geraldo also showed clips of some guy named Craig attempting to interview Debra Opri. Basically he asked Opri if she was responsible for most of the information in the book. Opri says that she had nothing to do with the book, smiling, looking guilty as heck. Debra says "I read the book, I lived everything"