Alissa Blanton, just 23 was being harassed and stalked by 61 year old Roger Troy and begged a Florida Court with a 72 page petition to issue a protective order for her safety.
Judge JOHN DEAN MOXLEY denied her request citing that she didn’t have enough proof despite her pages and pages of letter and e-mails from her stalker. Allisa and her husband had moved and were trying to hide and this judge would not listen.
Because of this Judge’s ignorance Alissa was gunned down by Roger Troy and died after receiving nine gunshots. NINE gunshots!!!! This man should have been in jail already from the e-mails alone! Why wasn’t this young woman protected.
Shame on you Judge Moxley.
Please contact Judge John Dean Moxely or his assistant Lola Merrick to say Shame on You. At 321-264-6759