Casey Anthony Investigation - Smell In the Car

Smell in the car
* Her friend Amy Huizenga said Cindy Anthony was worried when the tow company contacted her about the car that was hauled away from Amscot. The smell from the trunk was overpowering -- like something had died. The parents initially couldn't get it open because they didn't have the keys. When they did open it, Cindy Anthony feared the worse. " They were terrified it was either Casey or Caylee," Huizenga said. "Because they had not talked to either of them. Because of the smell."

* In late June, Anthony talked to Huizenga about the "horrible smell" in her car and she couldn't figure out the source. She said it smelled like something had died and the odor was coming from the engine. She told her friend that she thought her dad may have hit an animal when he borrowed her car. Days later, she told Huizenga that she found an animal "plastered" to the frame of her car.

* Anthony told her brother Lee Anthony that the smell came from a couple of squirrels that had crawled into the engine and died.

(Taken from Newly released investigation documents)